Joint Personnel Clean Up Mud Left Over from Flooding in Kampung Melayu

- Pewarta

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022 - 11:11 WIB

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Joint Personnel Clean Up Mud Left Over from Flooding in Kampung Melayu. (Dok.

Joint Personnel Clean Up Mud Left Over from Flooding in Kampung Melayu. (Dok.

LINGKARNEWS.COM – The joint personnel consisted of PPSU and personnel from the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Sub-agency (Gulkarmat) together to clean up mud left over from the flood in RT 13/RW 04 and RT 11/RW 05 Kampung Melayu Urban Village, Jatinegara.

Fire and Rescue Control Division Head, Gatot Sulaeman said that as many as five firefighters and one fire engine had been alerted to spray mud on neighborhood roads and in people’s homes.

“Today, we continue to clean up the mud left over from the flood in RW 04 and 05 areas. Alhamdulillah, right now, the environment is clean as before,” he expressed.

Kampung Melayu Urban Village Head, Angga Harjuno Rakasiwi expressed his gratitude to the ranks of the Gulkarmat Sub-agency and PPSU who have worked for helping residents.

According to him, the RT 13/ RW 04 and RT 11/ RW 05 areas were the last to be cleaned, as they were at the bottom and the end, close to the Ciliwung Riverbank. The thickness of the mud in these two locations was 20 to 50 centimeters.

“We send 15 personnel here. All the mud is sprayed using a fire engine and the roads are brushed so they are clean as before,’ he concluded.***

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Joint Personnel Clean Up Mud Left Over from Flooding in Kampung Melayu

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